KW Spectrum Properties - Kelly Turbeville

19561 Dorado Dr. SOLD at Record Price!

One Hundred and One, Reason’s why now is a great time to Sell your Portola Hills Home.

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19561 Dorado Dr, Lake Forest Ca 92679 - Sold by Realtor Kelly Turbeville

SOLD! We just closed on this lovely home in Portola Hills, rather quickly I must say. After just 5 days on the market, multiple offers, we went under contract and closed in just 15 days!

Setting a RECORD BREAKING PRICE OF $1,300,000!

Is that too fast for you... Lol. Never fear along with our negotiations we negotiated a free lease back to give the sellers time to make their move!

We always recommend a shorter escrow if possible as a lot can happen during a real estate transactions.

Our clients, who after loving this home and neighborhood, made the decision to downsize, but we also understand that was not an easy decision.. especially with views like these!

This 3 bedroom, Serenado paired home is a popular floor plan with over 1900 sqft. The minute you walk in, guest feel drawn to the open living space and expansive yard. Probably the largest yard in the tract.

No wonder we set a record breaking price in the community!

The same model, sold just 3 days before this home for $72,000 less and it was a larger square footage as they add a loft over the living room area, which is popular with this floor plan.

How did we accomplish such a great sell for our clients? As we always say, a home priced right, presented well, marketed to the right buyer will garner the right offer that matches our clients goals!

We received a lovely text from a neighbor that helps explain why our marketing works!! “I thought your verbiage for your marketing and your video were absolutely phenomenal. If and when I were ever to Sell, I would call you for that”

Are you looking to make a move, please do not hesitate to reach out direct to Kelly or simply order our FREE Home Equity Assessment and we will be in touch!

Looking to move to Portola Hills, grab our Portola Hills Guide, it will give you some insight on why residents love calling Portola Hills Home!

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